Convoy GTF-VSX
Function: Cybertron Supreme Commander
Transformation: Tractor Trailer
Abilities: Convoy is a commander equipped with powerful strength and a laser rifle. Buggy can conduct spy activities and operate at distances up to 2000 km. The combat container comes with communications equipment, a large cannon, and more.
Character: His greatest power is his intelligence and has designated himself the mission to protect Earth and mankind.
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Megatron GTF-VSX
Function: Emperor of Destruction (Leader of the Destrons)
Transformation: Walther p38 (Pistol)
Ability: His fusion canon has tremendous destructive power, linking to a black hole interdimensionally and using the antimatter, produced from the black hole as a weapon.
Character: The Destron monarch schemes the conquest of the universe. To do so, he requires all the resources of planet earth to be obtained.
Weapon: Fusion Cannon
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