- G1 Bumblebee
- G1 Bumblebee (red)
- G2 Bumblebee
- Keychain Bumblebee
- Pretender Bumblebee
- Classics Bumblebee
- Alternity Cliff
- Universe Bumblebee
- Generations Bumblebee
- Movie Bumblebee
- ROTF Bumblebee
- HFTD Bumblebee
- e-Hobby Bug Bite
- Book Box Bumble
- Encore Bumble

Strength: 3
Intelligence: 8
Speed: 8
Endurance: 7
Rank: 8
Courage: 10
Firepower: 2
Skill: 7
Total: 53

Trickster Bumble
Alternity Intelligence Agent
Transformation: Suzuki Swift Sport

Note: C10 MIB, purchased 2009

Though Bumble had eminent sharp insight out of the Cybertrons before becoming apart of Alternity, he now uses auto avatar "Radius 903" which polishes his power even further. He has a sensory organ which enables him to establish the complex overlapping structure of the multi-world. He takes an active role as he had before as a messenger and spy of Alternity. He passed a severe 900,000 years of the "BT World" and has accomplished his evolution; while his companions think his power unsuitable. He feels great joy at being apart of Alternity and is proud of his great power. His companions lose confidence with him as he deviates from his abilities as he acts mischievous and exercises his power to these means. However, he is cheerful by nature and has great friendship and is considered the most approachable out of the Alternity by low-dimensional races.

Photograph Links (click the following to view):

Front of box
Back of box
Robot mode
Robot mode alternate pose
Close up of robot head
Robot mode with guns
Back of robot mode
Front of vehicle mode
Back of vehicle mode
Front of vehicle mode all doors open
Back of vehicle mode all doors open



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