Beast Wars Returns, Reborn, Telemocha & Again

# |
Name |
Western Name |
Notes |
Original Price
(Yen) |
Gallery (Link) |
Beast Wars Returns |
BR-01 |
Convoy |
Punch Optimus Primal |
R Us exclusive, 4000 piece production |
2999 |
Photo |
BR-02 |
Cheetus |
Cheetor |
R Us exclusive, 4000 piece production |
2999 |
Photo |
BR-03 |
Rattle |
Rattrap |
R Us exclusive, 4000 piece production |
2999 |
Photo |
BR-04 |
Widow |
deluxe Blackarachnia |
R Us exclusive, 3000 piece production, show accurate colours |
1999 |
Gallery |

# |
Name |
Western Name |
Notes |
Original Price
(Yen) |
Gallery (Link) |
Beast Wars Returns |
BR-05 |
Megatron |
Megatron |
R Us exclusive, 4000 piece production |
2999 |
Photo |

# |
Name |
Western Name |
Notes |
Original Price
(Yen) |
Gallery (Link) |
Beast Wars Returns |
BR-09 |
Nightscream |
R Us exclusive |
3999 |
Photo |
BR-10 |
Silverbolt |
R Us exclusive.
Cartoon redeco |
1499 |
Gallery |
BR-11 |
Savage |
Changer |
R Us exclusive |
1799 |
Photo |
Exclusive Lucky Draw Figure |
BR-02 |
Cheetus black ver. (Perfect Choice Cheetus) |
Cheetor |
Lucky Draw
Perfect Choice gold and black Cheetus. Limited to 60 pieces. When you order Beast
wars Returns through digital tuner in Japan, automatically entered into draw
to win the figure. Other prizes are first three signed DVD's and t-shirts. |
N/A |
Photo |

# |
Name |
Western Name |
Notes |
Original Price
(Yen) |
Gallery (Link) |
Beast Wars Returns |
BR-06 |
Vehicon Tankor |
Drone |
R Us exclusive. Tank
Drone redeco |
1499 |
Photo |
BR-07 |
Jetstorm |
Jetstorm |
R Us exclusive. Ultra
Jetstorm release |
3999 |
Photo |
BR-08 |
Vehicon Thrust |
Motorcycle Drone |
R Us exclusive. Cycle
Drone redeco |
1499 |
Photo |
BR-12 |
Megahead Megatron |
Megatron Megabolt |
R Us exclusive.
Megatron cartoon lavender redeco |
1799 |
Gallery |
BR-13 |
Strika |
Strika |
R Us exclusive.
Strika cartoon redeco |
1799 |
Gallery |
BR-14 |
Vehicon Obsidian |
Obsidian |
R Us exclusive.
Obsidian cartoon deep green redeco |
1499 |
Gallery |

# |
Name |
Western Name |
Notes |
Original Price
(Yen) |
Gallery (Link) |
Beast Wars Reborn |
BWR-01 |
Convoy |
Optimus Primal |
VS set with Megatron & DVD. New
face mould & cartoon deco. DVD in the form of the golden disc |
7,800 |
Gallery |

# |
Name |
Western Name |
Notes |
Original Price
(Yen) |
Gallery (Link) |
Beast Wars Reborn |
BWR-01 |
Megatron |
set with Convoy & DVD. New face mould & cartoon deco. DVD in the form of the
golden disc |
7,800 |
Gallery |

# |
Name |
Western Name |
Notes |
Original Price
(Yen) |
Gallery (Link) |
Beast Wars Telemocha |
TM-01 |
Convoy |
Optimus Primal |
Robotmasters Convoy mold, anime
colours. Comes with DVD with episode "Beat the Destrons." |
2625 |
Photo |
TM-03 |
Cheetus |
Cheetor |
Anime redeco, Comes with DVD with
episode "Convoy Disappeared." |
2625 |
Photo |
TM-05 |
Dinobot |
Anime redeco, Comes with DVD with
episode "New weapons of terror." |
2625 |
Photo |
TM-07 |
Colada |
Anime redeco, Comes with DVD with
episode "Goodbye, Rattle!?" |
2625 |
Photo |
TM-09 |
Rhinox |
Anime redeco, Comes with DVD with
episode "Cheetus' crisis." |
2625 |
Photo |
TM-11 |
Tigatron |
Anime redeco, Comes with DVD with
episode "Solitary warrior Tigatron." |
2625 |
Photo |
TM-13 |
Motorarm |
Ramhorn |
redeco, Comes with DVD with episode "The immortal Starscream." |
2625 |
Photo |
Convoy |
Optimus Primal |
1996 Convoy
mould with colours of
TM-01. Comes with DVD with episodes "Super Lifeform Transformers Appear."
and "Make a Dramatic Comeback, Destrons." |
4000 |
Photo |
Exclusive Figure |
Dragoyell |
Classics Minicon Nightscream grey & red redeco. A Cybertron Ninja Raider. TV
Magazine mail away (September 2007 issue), limited to 2000 pieces |
N/A |
Photo |

# |
Name |
Western Name |
Notes |
Original Price
(Yen) |
Gallery (Link) |
Beast Wars Telemocha |
TM-02 |
Megatron |
Robotmasters mold, anime colours. Comes with DVD with episode "Operation:
Timebomb Transfer." |
2625 |
Photo |
TM-04 |
Waspeeter |
Waspinator |
redeco, Comes with DVD with episode "The aerial mountains explode." |
2625 |
Photo |
TM-06 |
Widow |
Blackarachnia |
redeco, Comes with DVD with episode "The assassin virus." |
2625 |
Photo |
TM-08 |
Archadis |
redeco, Comes with DVD episode "Around and around the jungle." |
2625 |
Photo |
TM-10 |
Boldfang |
Wolfang |
redeco of Howlinger, Comes with DVD with episode "Kick of the spider woman." |
2625 |
Photo |
TM-12 |
Gimlet |
Seaclamp |
redeco. Does not come with his gun. Comes with DVD with episode "Falcon
warrior Airazor." |
2625 |
Photo |
Megatron |
Megatron mould with colours of TM-02. Comes with DVD with episodes "Floating
Island Death Match Part 1." and "Floating Island Death Match Part 2." |
4000 |
Photo |

# |
Name |
Western Name |
Notes |
Original Price
(Yen) |
Gallery (Link) |
Beast Wars Again |
BWVS-01 |
Convoy |
"Eternal Beast Showdown" VS Set of Convoy & Megatron. Convoy (Voyager Class)
is a cartoon accurate redeco of Transformers Kingdom Optimus Primal.
Released August 2023 |
15,400 |
BWVS-02 |
Rhinox |
BWVS-02 Tenacious Showdown. VS
Set of Rhinox & Scorpos with cartoon accurate colour schemes. Released
September 2023 |
9,900 |
BWVS-03 |
Cheetus |
Showdown of the Quickest. VS set of Cheetus and Waspeetor with cartoon
accurate colour schemes. Released October 2023 |
7,700 |
BWVS-04 |
Tigatron |
Showdown in the Deep Forest. VS Set of Tigatron & Black Widow with cartoon
accurate colour schemes. Released November 2023 |
9,900 |
BWVS-05 |
Rattle |
Showdown on the Rocky Mountain. VS Set of Rattle and Terrorsaurer with a
cartoon accurate colour scheme. Released December 2023 |
6,600 |

# |
Name |
Western Name |
Notes |
Original Price
(Yen) |
Gallery (Link) |
Beast Wars Again |
BWVS-01 |
Megatron |
"Eternal Beast Showdown" VS Set of Convoy & Megatron. Megatron (Leader
Class) is a cartoon accurate redeco of Transformers Kingdom Megatron.
Released August 2023 |
15,400 |
BWVS-02 |
Scorpos |
BWVS-02 Tenacious Showdown. VS
Set of Rhinox & Scorpos with cartoon accurate colour schemes. Released
September 2023 |
9,900 |
BWVS-03 |
Waspeeter |
Showdown of the Quickest. VS set of Cheetus and Waspeetor with cartoon
accurate colour schemes. Released October 2023 |
7,700 |
BWVS-04 |
Widow |
Showdown in the Deep Forest. VS Set of Tigatron & Black Widow with cartoon
accurate colour schemes. Released November 2023 |
9,900 |
BWVS-05 |
Terrorsaurer |
Showdown on the Rocky Mountain. VS Set of Rattle and Terrorsaurer with a
cartoon accurate colour scheme. Released December 2023 |
6,600 |

# |
Name |
Western Name |
Notes |
Original Price
(Yen) |
Gallery (Link) |
Beast Wars Again |
BWVS-06 |
Dinobot |
Brutal Showdown. Released January 2024. Dinobot VS Tarans. Redecos of the
Transformers Kingdom releases. Comes with a Golden Disc accessory |
9,900 |
BWVS-07 |
Airazor |
Subjects Showdown. Released February 2024 |
10,450 |

# |
Name |
Western Name |
Notes |
Original Price
(Yen) |
Gallery (Link) |
Beast Wars Again |
BWVS-06 |
Tarans |
Brutal Showdown. Released January 2024. Dinobot VS Tarans. Redecos of the
Transformers Kingdom releases. Comes with a Golden Disc accessory |
9,900 |
BWVS-07 |
Inferno |
Subjects Showdown. Released February 2024 |
10,450 |
BWVS-08 |
Starscream & Haunted
Waspeeter |
Phantom Showdown. Clear version of Earthrise Starscream and Kingdom
Waspeeter with Classic Destron emblems as he is possessed by Starscream |
9,900 |

The Transformers and all its subsidiaries is a registered trademark of
Hasbro and Takara Tomy |